
Saturday, January 1, 2000

pair of normal.

I am now lucky 13 episodes into the television show Supernatural over which some of y'all are so ga-ga, and I've gotta say, totally unexpectedly, I have learned a thing or four.

Thing 1: Woman Are Tragic.

The fairer sex, for all their strengths - cooking, raising children all alone after their men have been killed in suspicious accidents, having boobs - are helpless against the forces of the paranormal. Every now and then, you'll run across one who can inexplicably handle a shotgun; some are even strong enough to slam doors shut when they're being pursued by zombies; but at the end of the day, despite their best intentions, they ARE going to end up cornered in an orchard, screaming "DEEEEEEAAAAN!!!" while sweating strategically through appealing portions of their thin clothing. It's not their fault. It's just biology.

Thing 2: American Indians Are Mystical.

Long ago, a special, valuable type of people lived on this land. They were so special and valuable that they get a whole episode devoted to how special they are, and how very mystical and spiritual are their spirits. Their spirits are also, of course, hell-bent on revenge against the white man - and what better tool to use against The Usurpers than NATURE ITSELF, BITCHES? Yeah, that's right. Remember, it's not racist if the Indians win! (except they also kinda didn't, but that's beside the point, because MAGIC.)

Thing 3: Brotherly Love is Brotherly.

Sample dialogue: 

"Sam, stop being so scholarly! Our manly father would want us to do manly things!"

"Oh Dean, how can you not understand, it will take intelligence and forethought to solve this ghostly conundrum! Also, I am heartbroken because my girlfriend was killed by a demon."

"Sam, you silly goose, you are so heartbroken! Women are mere objects!"

"They are not, Dean. At least, my girlfriend was not, despite the fact that she appeared as nothing more than a ten-minute plot device to explain why my character is somewhat different than yours - much as our mother did, to explain the premise of this entire television show."

"Wow, Sam, you're much smarter than me."

"That's OK, Dean, because you're the good-looking one!"

"Damn right, Sam. Damn right."

(Led Zeppelin plays, car engine revs, end credits.)

In Conclusion: This Is An Awful Television Show, And I Don't Understand Why You, Otherwise Intelligent, Progressive, Forward-Thinking Individuals, Take Pleasure In It.

...unless, you know, it gets way better in the second season... does it...?

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